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tv   [untitled]    October 7, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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the latest news on the week's top story he swore looms between turkey and syria after four days of cross border bombardment with some experts suspecting the rebels are trying to provoke foreign intervention. moscow demands an investigation into a violent incident at a canadian detention center that left a twenty four year old russian student clinging to life. and only hours left before venezuelans head to the polling stations for the presidential vote a race too close to call between the current socialist leader and he's young democratic rival.
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you're watching r.t. live from moscow today we take a look at the top stories of the week as well as the latest stories turkey and syria are on the brink of war after a four day exchange of life fire across the border fighting was triggered by the syrian side and wednesday with a mortar killing five turkish civilians women and children ankara responded with artillery while its lawmakers authorized sending troops into syria if necessary several mortar shells have landed on turkish soil since provoking war and return fire. insisting it doesn't want war but warrants it will retail yet against any further attack it's not clear who is responsible for the provocations but the syrian fire zone is said to be under rebel control some experts suspect the shelling could be a false flag effort to incite intervention. you've got opposition forces there there and they are desperate. low on ammunition.
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and i think they would love to have. turkey get into the get into the fight they're moving they've moved their headquarters from turkey into to syria and that's going to set up a logistical problem for them in coordination with forces inside of turkey to bring in more ammunition and and logistics to back them up but would be an easier way then to set up a situation where where you bring turkey into the into the fight and in order to provide that kind of assistance that they need i don't rule that out. and the salafist working there in that in that region there they're very very good at that kind of set up. claims emerged this week that some western backed syrian rebels are planning to target jewish communities once they have toppled this comes
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as the u.s. and its allies maintain that the president must step down while they've offered no clear alternative several potential candidates are being groomed abroad one of them is the fact the syrians tell us his father is an alleged anti-semite party spoke to the journalist who broke the story couple come ready and he says the rebels could easily bite the hand that feeds them. the irony of supporting the rebels who may eventually become great enemies of the west is something that's lost in the into the very eager interventionists who are pushing the west to intervene in syria to arm the opposition while you interviewed a group of rebels in damascus who were holed up in various parts of damascus in various observed i interviewed some of them a few of them who traveled from afghanistan said that they had a big fight against the jews ahead of them and this is me because i will submit people elsewhere particularly in pakistan who say that they have
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a fight with the jews ahead of them so they see that as the ultimate. one of the things that was particularly disturbing to me is how close is being groomed as a possible replacement for not a lot of people know that the north lost his father. is a first rate he's written a book called the marts of design which talks about the blood libel he was smuggled out. was smuggled out of the country by french spies he is he keeps making trips to saudi arabia a. lot of people know this history behind him and people should be wary of. being groomed as a as a possible replacement. while the focus falls on the syrian opposition and no other group of the sanders goes unnoticed right. bahrain believes target young protesters with tear gas and water cannon while the wave of unrest in the gulf state grows by the day. the twenty four year old russian student remains in critical condition
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after being brutally beaten in a canadian the tension center almost two months ago there is still a cough was arrested after he allegedly threatened another student russia has demanded a full investigation and punishment for those responsible for the attack are disappointed boyko has more. a trip to study english in canada gone horribly wrong twenty four year old denise teller cough arrived in calgary in june eager to learn about the country and make new friends it was at this language school those friends would quickly turn to enemies with a misunderstanding over a girl she was charged with making threats and placed in calgary's remand center and she was going to face like she was just telling. you don't know larry you know . that you're going to die or a. thing i mean. i don't know why it was a big misunderstanding while his family in moscow tried to scrape together the bail
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money things took a turn for the worse cellmates brutally attacked him jumping on his head repeatedly after months on the life support machine denise recently regain consciousness doctors say he's in a vegetative state his adoring family is devastated by the way to go you know eating out i mean. you have been there already and he's grieving durative you. are all worried go our way or you know very slowly or very the charges that denise faced have now been dropped which in turn meant the detention center was no longer responsible for his medical bills leaving his family facing a financial nightmare on top of the emotional one local media campaigning to raise funds for denise's ballooning medical bills. or watch action.
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all your. gold bull or oil. general. or. all the oil all. denise isn't the only victim to emerge from this facility last month another man christopher kirk suffragette a lacerated spleen and a broken nose after a similar attack while in custody. very often in sharpening all we were and it's been a normal lot but. you know when we were dating. in the war i mean. the young man so eager to find out about life in canada studying english like he didn't initially set out is now a distant prospect he'll once again have to learn the basics how to walk feed
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himself and speak his native russian denise's family can only hope that the country where this brutal attack took place provides him with the help that we so desperately needs polly boyko r t. found on our website right now israel faces a multimillion dollar lawsuit over the deaths during its twenty ten raid on a turkish aid flotilla. plots and grand hopes russia's space agency and nasa are planning an expanded mission on the international space station in a bid to get one step closer to the red planet r.t. dot com has the details. trying to first century socialism or putting in the oil of the pale of the colony on liberal rails the dilemma for voters in today's presidential election in venezuela the current leader and his young democrat rival are now command in opinion polls as losing confidence reports the vote is not only crucial for the nation but the entire continent. well the stakes could not be
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higher as venezuelans take to the polls to determine who will leave their country for the next six years at one end as president incumbent president hugo chavez was represented a radical change for venezuela and the region as a whole under his so-called twenty first century socialism policy is what this is meant as a nationalization of certain industries as well as the use of venezuela's revenues from oil exports to really focus attention on some of the poorest segments of the population here at the same time venezuela is plagued with a high crime rate one of the highest in the world as well as corruption and these are just some of the issues that have been seized on by the opposition candidate and the previous he's a forty year old very wealthy businessman who criticize the country's economic policies now and he's also promised to improve relations with the west now critics say and fear that he would really represent a radical shift for the country in the sense that he could impose austerity programs and possibly roll back some of those popular economic social justice missions that hugo chavez has put into place now the results of this election will
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be significant far beyond this country's borders we have to keep in mind that venezuela has the world's largest proven oil reserves and the winner will get to determine just how to use this multi-trillion dollar assets with the likes of the u.s. wants access to that as well as black gold they aren't likely to get it under a chavez administration the president has promised to ramp up production and reduce his country's dependence on the western markets by doubling crude exports to asia according to chavez as a new world order of that the west is just going to have to get used to. when the petroleum five countries which possess the majority of reserves. are russia iran saudi arabia iraq and venezuela from the oil but there's a political side to the issue that is up against me liberalism and the world would be dominated by washington but it. still would snow a world power if you ask my victory in this election is do you. it could only be
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dangerous for striving to dominate the world now again the last time venezuelans took to the polls to vote for their president was six years ago there is massive excitement here both candidates have called on supporters to come to the streets early even hours before the polls opened it's a very festive mood people are very excited about this opportunity to really have a strong say about which direction they want their country and their region to go on and we will of course keep you updated throughout the day on these developments party in caracas venezuela. as well as exit would be warmly welcomed by washington for an airway of reason says james petras professor of sociology at new york's macon ten university the united states would like to get rid of chavez and put on more malleable clients like capri lace fact in power for a student she has taken a very independent foreign policy position opposing u.s. military intervention in the middle east he's opposed to u.s.
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free trade agreement and has been an extraordinarily influential. president in being latin american integration which essentially means the exclusion of the united states so all along the line president chavez has been defining an alternative route for latin america is sensually you have two different philosophies you have sjogren's promoting social democracy in a in the generic sense of the word against a candidate who wants to go back to turn the clock back to the one nine hundred ninety s. nail liberal policies privatization primacy of your ties to the u.s. it's just so you have a real choice and not an echo in in this election it's been a week of unrest standing with clashes between police and anti-government protesters in bahrain authorities are cracking down once daily on the opposition that's calling for more rights and an end to discrimination on monday the country's
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court upheld jail terms for nine medics who helped to treat pro reform campaigners a day later demonstrators threw petrol bombs and stones at security officials following a funeral for an activist who died in custody of alleged mistreatment this friday police disperse crowds of dissenters with water cannon and tear gas the sunni modoc who has been cracking down on the opposition for twenty months now with about eighty deaths overall sounds were. arrested including prominent human rights activist neville wran job was now in prison for attending an illegal demonstration calmar soup from bahrain's largest opposition party says the courts have long been in the ruler spock it's. national but isn't that much i'm not talking about as no justice in the whole process and. just in the control or maybe when it comes to that people will be in subject. or even killing the
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court just. as guilty. as you will find these people are so slow that they had to be imprisoned it's like going to be the judge others even just expressing their opinions this is the sort of not that it at first spying scandal involving russian citizens surfaced in america this week they have the i.r.s. that a group of employees of a u.s. based company killing them off illegally providing millions of dollars worth of cutting edge technology to moscow. investigators claim they acquired data could be used by the russian military people four of whom have russian passports are still under arrest charged with espionage and illegal commercial activities moscow says the case is criminal dismissing any talk of a spy scandal. you're watching live from moscow and on the way at georgian dream
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becomes reality the country's opposition bloc secures a crucial victory over the ruling party forcing president saakashvili to go on the defense. law center you ask or say to a thousand strong peace rally nor threats as it sets out to reach pakistan's most troubled region the story in detail and more in just a couple of minutes. i never thought i could earn a living this way. natale issue of oil is the norm or should test small arms so those photos to machine building plant not are the source to count of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no wait i'm so tired of shooting. the planet's history goes from making firearms doing world war two to
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ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans so i was here also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners for hoffa's century it's thrived on the message of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better than others. this is the year old truck factory brushes the number one truck maker or girls will look at how well the workplace is organized everything's to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was production is booming the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these giants are sold around the globe hit a base and brand new be the way to be delivered to acquire seventy trucks like this
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one roll up the bronx conveyor belt every day look at about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully if i can get up that. we can go far to drive. whoa that was fun perhaps i should get one of these to trouble to walk every morning was with a cost of about forty hours. i should start saving money. which
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right if you move from funds to pressure these. stocks on t.v. don't. want you hard to live from moscow welcome back the u.s. presidential candidates brock obama and mitt romney clashed over the economy and the role of government in their first t.v. debates this week poll showed romney overwhelmed incumbent obama commanding ninety
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minute furball dual romney said his rival is in favor of a trickle down government while obama said romney would bring the nation back to bush era canonic policies the us president has a slight edge in the polls but as vulnerable and due to criticism over we growth and climate and health care reform story on jell-o. horn believes voters are caught between a rock and a hard place most remember unfortunately this debate is one. reason why nowadays there are those who say that what we have in the end of states is not democracy but a democracy that is to say what happens in other states is that all the candidates of the left such as the green party are barred from this kind of presidential debate and as a result will be kinds of policies that president obama has been acting better subject to withering criticism from the left for example bailing out the banks but not bailing out homeowners for example this war against libya they were not able to
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be criticized adequately by his opponent mr romney and as a result you have a very very tepid debate that takes place how can you have a realistic debate about the problems that this country faces the many problems this country faces one because analysis and critique from the left are basically excluded basically this debate comes down in many ways to a choice between tweedle dum and tweedle dee. hundreds of pakistanis joined by foreign peace activists are marching through the country in protest against u.s. drone strikes a convoy led by cricket legend and opposition from man imran khan is heading to south waziristan region plagued by insurgency and most frequently targeted by american missiles this despite warnings from pakistan's taliban militants that protesters could be targeted by suicide bombers political activist believes the rally has the full support of the people. that region has
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welcomed in india it would be only an assistance that is being provided by the government which does not want to open this up to exposure because for the past five years they've been hiding the fact that zones have been a region on the on the public front the actually deny it but on privately behind the doors the u.s. government they actually accept the fact just a simple attack on a silver entity and unfortunately for the last five years our government has actually be. include the american water and the american what has now become and should be should. all of the stores that are doing it but unfortunately not able do not able to handle economic affairs of the country let alone this is a mission that has been before the guard. now is take a look at some other stories from around the world israel's military has shot down a drone over the country's southern desert the origins of the aircraft are unknown the drone was not carrying explosives however israeli officials called the incident
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a potential act of terrorism in the past similar missions have been carried out by a lebanese militant group hezbollah. radical islamist cleric abu hamza al masri has appeared in court of new york on terrorism charges or was extradited from britain along with four other man could face a life sentence he's accused by washington of supporting al qaida kidnapping and plotting to open a training camp for militants in the u.s. four other suspects have already pleaded not guilty to charges of being involved in the nine hundred ninety eight bombing of american amber seas in kenya and tanzania that killed over two hundred people. miners in south africa have rallied against the dismissal of twelve thousand of the er colleagues the were sacked after staging a strike demanding better pay and conditions the protesters are also mourning miners killed by police in brutal clashes that began two months ago so far forty eight people have died in the ongoing unrest. mass protests have taken place in
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several cities across italy as people continue to van't their anger over intensifying spending cuts protesters gathered in venice on saturday demanding an immediate referendum on independence from rome this follows a series of violent clashes between students and riot police that saw several officers injured earlier this week. whose separatist party organized the initial rally believes that with biting cards. worse the floating city will be much better off on its own. or in a situation worse than a colony because there's a worse once they get back sorry in italy it's the highest in the world and our services. are extremely poor we have twenty billion a sin from our regional resources each year and that some bearable and these three . a couple days ago there was
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a siege of st mark's belt powered by four workers and there's this situation here in van it so it's it's almost explosive sold so they had the thousands of people who have gathered in krakow their regional government for sure in italy we're not the only one there it's really in sort of the in yeah i have strong movements for it of course who are the best organized but soon after i know it's going to have could go either region serenely. opposition in georgia are still celebrating after arresting the majority of seats in parliament away from the ruling party in monday's vote the georgian dream bloc secured more than half of the votes while president saakashvili is allies barely top forty percent and his eyes here task in our reports the leaders authority has been rocked. it was a jubilation like never before seen in billy c. it felt like georgia had won the world cup. their win was not yet been found but
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thousands took to the streets to celebrate the book is all but it was this in particular that in central square policing straight out of the exit poll results suggest that their proxy could be taken seriously in the parliamentary elections something hardly any one of them would have expected only twelve months ago last year the ruling party is rating was at seventy percent and nobody could challenge that so confident was saakashvili that he amended the constitution granting more powers to the prime minister a position many predicted he would eventually feel himself little did he know he was digging his own hole he moved east changes to the constitution does it count as a dream that i never see the parliament these are the majority. but that's legal that's for however this situation did not come out of nowhere prison torture tapes released in september really the hardest thousands took to the streets as allegations emerged that he personally ordered the torture and filming
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of these atrocities and now the president could even lose his job with the possible next prime minister. already making his attention clear comes out there with this man's ideology has established a climate of lines of violence and torture it will be good if he submitted his resignation of the now starting various procedures to force him to resign saakashvili did concede defeat live on air but the question remains whether he's really ready to let go of the reins it could be a dramatic change or it could be the herald of a period of infighting talk issues admission of defeat in a sense perhaps shows that he's a wounded animal but there will be still a fear that he will use the prerogatives of the president to try to split the opposition remember it's a role the disparate group of people who have been primarily united. by stability to saakashvili it wasn't only the prison tape scandal which brought saakashvili is fortress of power down say experts corruption among elites don't see him playing
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hardball with russia all contributed the new ruling party says it will address these issues in the first place but as the party continues in belief georgia is bracing itself for a new era and the first peaceful transition of power in its post soviet history alexey worship ski reporting from billy c. in georgia and on the way our t.v. talks a lord robert skidelsky an award winning economist and historian to get his take on how to mend britain's failing economy. download the official. language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. required to watch. watch on t.v.
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